We assist clients with matters which require representation before Workers’ Compensation Boards or Appeals Tribunals. Representation in these unique forums requires different skills and abilities than those normally required in Courts of Law or before other administrative tribunals.
We provide advice, either by verbal opinion or in writing, with a detailed analysis, outlining the benefits and risks of any proposed action on the following issues:
- Claim/Case Review and Analysis
- Experience Ratings and Cost Control
- Re-employment and Return to Work Obligations and Modified Work Programs
- Medical Examination of a Worker
- Occupational Diseases and complex claims
- Schedule II employer issues
- Second Injury & Enhancement Fund Relief
- Third Party Cost Transfers
Board Liaison
Dealing with staff at the workers’ compensation Boards can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. We are often able to expedite matters at the Board level on our client’s behalf because of our in-depth knowledge of the law, Board policies and changing procedures surrounding claims and assessment issues.
Representation Before the Board & Tribunal
We represent the interests of employers at all levels of workers’ compensation proceedings – Board level, Appeals Tribunal and before the Courts, and are a recognized authority on matters related to the federal Government Employees’ Compensation Act. Our representation services include the following matters:
- Board and Appeals Tribunal Hearings
- Return to Work and Accommodation Issues
- Second Injury & Enhancement Fund Cost Relief
- Revenue & Classification Matters
- Dispute Resolution Before WSIB Appeals Resolution Officers
In addition to basic entitlement claims and adjudications, the Firm has represented clients in major cases involving:
- Skin cancer claims
- Latex allergies claims
- Fatalities
- Noise induced hearing loss